Pair of Owls hanging out in the front yard, they may have been positioned their as decorative birds, but again here at C.A.B.S. we err on the side of inclusion.

Pair of Owls hanging out in the front yard, they may have been positioned their as decorative birds, but again here at C.A.B.S. we err on the side of inclusion.
A note from C.A.B.S.:
Katnis, thank you for submitting this photo to the site, unfortunately it does not meet the criteria necessary for C.A.B.S. to include it in the database.
While the owl in question does appear to have been manufactured as an Artificial Bird (AB) it does not meet the standards of an AB put put forward by Artificial Birding International (ABI) and accepted by C.A.B.S. in a number of ways: the placement and adornment does not seem “intended for an audience of living, non-human creatures”, it does not appear to be “perceivable from public space” and the post does not include an address or even approximate address (only a neighborhood) so future researches will not be able to verify the location or conduct related field research. To summarize C.A.B.S. has determined that this is a Decorative Bird (DB). For further clarification please see the FAQ on this site.
Thanks again for submitting the photo we look forward to your future contributions of AB’s.
A note from C.A.B.S.: this owl appears to have been manufactured as a decorative bird (db) but due to context (how it is positioned and that it is in line of sight of the trio at 2111 N. Spaulding) C.A.B.S. believes that this owl is being used as an artificial bird (ab). It is the intent of C.A.B.S. to err on the side of inclusion, future researchers may wish to reevaluate the inclusion of this owl in light of their specific area of study. The tag of db? has been added.